

Thursday 6 May 2010



The light aircraft that crashed at Hinton-in-the-Hedges airfield, near Brackley, injuring Ukip candidate Nigel Farage and the plane's pilot.
Photograph: Rui Vieira/PA

Clean EUkip up NOW
make UKIP electable!
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership,
their anti UKIP claque
the NEC is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!



I hear Nigel Farage is quite literally out for the count.

All jokes and headlines aside I hope that both he and his pilot are found to have superficial injuries from which they rapidly recover - I have no inside track as I have been assisting INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance candidates for the last couple of days.

We are very pleased with our results todate but very much doubt we will find this converts to votes! Our work starts tomorrow as there is no doubt PARTY politics has betrayed us with Not a Single Party being honest with the electorate NOT ONE - they have all produced resplendent manifestos full of utterly dishonest promises that NOT ONE can keep - firstly Britain has a £3 Trillion debt a real unemployment rate of approaching 8 Million and a Snivil Cervice that is approximately 75% over staffed and over funded.

Did ANY Party tell you that?

Then we have UKIP with its dregs of society morality issueing as a Party NOT as extreme supporters smears, lies and abuse of the British Courts and Justice system with their two faced policies and their sordid dishonest and often anonymous blogs (probably far too ashamed to put their name to the lies and fabrications) you will note I have NEVER needed to shelter in shame behind anonymity as I have done all I can to publish the truth and facts - NEVER ONCE have I deliberately published a lie and never once has an untruth remained on my blog if I have made a minor error in over 1,000 blogs I have NEVER made a consequential error nor invented lies to smear and defame people.

Very different to the filth UKIP makes a habbit of publishing.

Last time the BBC quoted a minor incident and I commented on the well being of the individual my comments were taken completely out of context and deliberately and dishonestly misrepresented - that was when Anna Lindt the Swedish politician died subsequent to an event the BBC reported as the equivalent of 'egging' or similar in a shopping centre whilst she was campaigning for the destruction of the Swedish currency and surrender to the central banks of the EU.

I do not regret my comments as they were made in complete good faith and they did manage to get the opposition to surrender to the EUro onto the front pages of the British Broadsheet Press - what I do regret is that it highlighted the utter dishonesty of the likes of Christina Speight, Stewart Gulleford, Stuart Coter and numerous of the utterly dishonest leadership of UKIP who tried so hard to make capital out of the poor woman's death for their own self serving and self interested sake - I was disgusted that they were happy to stoop so low.

At that stage of course I had had no dealings with such as Annabelle Fuller and her foul mouthed dishonesty or her part time 'friend' the idiotic and malicious Chris Mounsey with his childish language and vile comments nor had I realised how evil Mark Croucher was and just how underhand and corrupt he was and so on through the self enriching scams and betrayals that are clearly the motive of the tro faced leadership of UKIP.

Here is the latest news of Farage's crash (why was he jollying around - you pay some moron to fly your adds around mindlessly whilst you go and do something worthwhile like go around your workers and helper thanking them for their efforts surely!). Why was Farage Joy Riding on this day of all days? I must say he has been conspicuous by his absence as leader of UKIP acquitting his responsibilities - but then UKIP is only a branch of the Tory Party we note.

Here in Somerton & Frome they so hugely betrayed their candidate Barry Harding it seems he had to read in a local paper that UKIP had done a knife job on him and was telling UKIP supporters who wish to Leave-the-EU to vote for the Tories who are just like the LibLabUKipCon and you can't put a fag paper twixt them in their venal desire for self enrichment!

Anyway let us hope that the pilot was not seriously injured and Farage is rapidly recovered sufficient to continue conning UKIP's unfortunate membership soon with his Tory chums.

Ukip's Nigel Farage injured in aeroplane crashNigel Farage suffers minor injuries after two-seater aircraft towing Ukip banner crash-lands in Northamptonshire
Thursday 6 May 2010 11.00 BST Article history

The former Ukip leader Nigel Farage escaped with minor head injuries after a light aircraft towing a "Vote Ukip" banner crashed in Northamptonshire this morning.

The two-seater plane crash landed at Hinton-in-the-Hedges airfield near Brackley. Farage was taken to Horton hospital in Banbury after witnesses saw him walking out of the aircraft covered in blood.

A source at the hospital confirmed that Farage was admitted this morning, although there are conflicting reports about the extent of his injuries. "He's going to be fine," a spokeswoman for Ukip said.

His agent, Chris Adams, told BBC News that Farage had been "drifting in and out of consciousness and is now being X-rayed".

He added: "Nigel was unconscious but he can talk."

The pilot was more seriously hurt with back injuries. He was taken to John Radcliffe hospital in Oxford after being cut of out the plane.

TV footage showed extensive wreckage to the fixed wing plane which lay upside down in field 20m from the airstrip.

The plane was towing a banner with the slogan "Vote for your country - Vote Ukip". Eyewitnesses said the banned became caught up in the plane's tail fin.

A Ukip spokesman said: "We've had unconfirmed reports that either the banner got snagged up or there were cross-winds and it was an unfamiliar airfield to the pilot, who had to be cut out of the plane."

The aircraft was believed to be a 1960s-style biplane which left the Winchester area early today and flew into Hinton.

The accident happened as it was taking off again from Hinton, the spokesman said. The plane was due to fly over the counties of Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Northamptonshire.

A Northamptonshire Police spokesman said: "Just after 8am a light aircraft came down at Hinton in the Hedges airfield near Brackley in Northamptonshire.

"Two people were on board the aircraft, pilot and passenger, and both suffered what are believed to be minor injuries."

The crash is being investigated by the Air Accidents Investigation Branch supported by Northamptonshire Police.

Farage, an MEP for the South East of England, is standing for election in Buckingham against the speaker John Bercow. He stood down as the leader of Ukip last year.

To view the original article CLICK HERE

Don't you love Chris Adams, Nigel Farage's agent, his comment is poriceless:
"Nigel was unconscious but he can talk."
Why are we not surprised!!

Good luck Nigel and we hope it is a FULL recovery and though he may care little I trust his family are not too worried! - it may teach him there is more to life than .......

INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate

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